marek saenderski

Polish 3D-composer Marek Saenderski after many years of experiments in the field of stereo-photography developed a set of special StereoVision3D algorithms for designing and printing three-dimensional photos and artistic stereo-3D compositions in the form of large-format images, which, in terms of depth parameters, outranks even holograms created with the many times more expensive laser method.
In this way a new genre of art was born - this is the StereoVision revolution, and the new form of works of art are long-term durability stereographies on aluminum-reinforced composite sheets.
The first large exhibition designed entirely with the use of StereoVision3D technology was held at the Palace of Arts in Krakow in the fall of 2014.
The great advantage of StereoVision3D technology is the use of simple 3D glasses that can be distributed to thousands of viewers.
However, the StereoVision3D technology is not the 3D glasses known for many years, but that what can be seen through these glasses at the exhibitions made by Polish artist.
StereoVisionArt is the new kind of works of art, which becomes a temptation for those art collectors who are not afraid to invest in something new on the artmarket.